These oil-free air compressor models contain absolutely no oil anywhere in the compressor and have been certified ISO 8573-1 Class Zero (2010) and silicone free.
Industries such as Electronics, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Food and Beverage depend upon pure oil-free compressed air as a safe, clean energy source to drive production lines. Sometimes the air comes into direct contact with the product being created, so it is critical that the purity of this air is maintained at all times. You can see how this is achieved by the DH series in this video - click the design tab, to watch this. The DH Series comprises of the following features:
The unique design achieves lower speeds combined with lower operating temperatures - both resulting in high efficiency and reduced component wear. Using a single-stage, direct-driven motor without gears or belts, maximises efficiency. Limiting the compressed air to the application demand with regulated speed ensures that no energy is wasted.
DH compressors have significantly fewer moving parts than comparable machines, meaning there is less to go wrong, while lower speeds and balanced bearing loads extend the compression element service life for low-cost operation.
With exceptionally low running temperatures of less than 60°C near isothermal compression is achieved. This also eliminates the need of an internal aftercooler and associates power consumption reducing pressure drop to the minimum.
Delcos XL touch-screen controller:
The multilingual Delcos XL control system ensures reliable operation and protects your investment by continuously monitoring the operational parameters, which is essential for reducing cost of ownership.